showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Doom Activision (David A. Palmer Productions)2001 22ndcentury demonicinvasion demons doom-series firstpersonshooter hell militantprotagonist moon npcstrife plasmaweapons powerups rating-esrb-t sciencefantasy secrets serious labelimagesubject
Doom II  Activision (Torus Games)2002 22ndcentury anticipatorystockpiles backtracking cloakednpcs demonicinvasion demons difficulty doom-series earth elevators energyweapons findexit firearms firstpersonshooter heads healthpickups hell hellscape militantprotagonist monsters nojumping npcstrife oopitems plasmaweapons powerups rating-esrb-t reanimators rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets serious shotguns supportnpcs walking labelimagesubject
Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon  Sega;THQ;Atlus (Sega)2004 classbased classbasedeq consoleclassix containers counselor demonicinvasion demons grid grid-square group healingitems levelbasedeq meleeweapons monsters rating-pegi-3 saveram shining-series shopping tactical tacticalrpg titularevent undead labelimagesubject